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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302572823

Words: wooded

Gloss: covered with growing trees and bushes etc; "wooded land"; "a heavily wooded tract"

also see 301290333 - uncleared
antonym 302575008 - treeless, unwooded
similar to 302573192 - arboraceous, arboreous, woodsy, woody
similar to 302573443 - bosky, brushy
similar to 302573708 - braky, brambly
similar to 302573859 - forested
similar to 302573987 - jungly
similar to 302574092 - overgrown
similar to 302574188 - rushy
similar to 302574294 - scrabbly, scrubby
similar to 302574481 - silvan, sylvan
similar to 302574614 - thicket-forming
similar to 302574706 - timbered
similar to 302574890 - woodsy

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