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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302245403

Words: rough

Gloss: of the margin of a leaf shape; having the edge cut or fringed or scalloped

also see 302166346 - simple, unsubdivided
also see 302171024 - compound
domain topic 106066555 - botany, phytology
derivationally related 104948241 - raggedness, roughness
antonym 302244619 - smooth
similar to 302245944 - bidentate
similar to 302246056 - biserrate
similar to 302246182 - ciliate, ciliated
similar to 302246296 - crenate, crenated, scalloped
similar to 302246410 - crenulate, crenulated
similar to 302246539 - crispate
similar to 302246637 - dentate
similar to 302246733 - denticulate
similar to 302246826 - emarginate
similar to 302246903 - erose, jagged, jaggy, notched, toothed
similar to 302247074 - fimbriate
similar to 302247166 - fringed, laciniate
similar to 302247295 - lacerate, lacerated
similar to 302247422 - pectinate
similar to 302247489 - rimose
similar to 302247637 - runcinate
similar to 302247785 - notched, saw-toothed, serrate, serrated, toothed
similar to 302247938 - serrulate
similar to 302248011 - spinose

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