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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 302225510

Words: skilled

Gloss: having or showing or requiring special skill; "only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team"; "a skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience"; "a skilled reconstruction of her damaged elbow"; "a skilled trade"

also see 300510050 - competent
also see 300935500 - experienced, experient
antonym 302228335 - unskilled
similar to 302226028 - accomplished, complete
similar to 302226162 - adept, expert, good, practiced, proficient, skilful, skillful
similar to 302226661 - arch
similar to 302226756 - ball-hawking
similar to 302226979 - consummate, masterful, masterly, virtuoso
similar to 302227344 - delicate
similar to 302227485 - hot
similar to 302227663 - mean
similar to 302227772 - sure-handed
similar to 302227946 - expert, technical
similar to 302228163 - versatile

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