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Gloss: independent; not united or joint; "a problem consisting of two separate issues"; "they went their separate ways"; "formed a separate church"
also see 302478749 - divided
also see 300727564 - independent
also see 300493460 - individual, single
also see 302069355 - other
also see 301326917 - segregated, unintegrated
also see 302152848 - unshared
attribute 114414294 - separation
derivationally related 114414503 - discreteness, distinctness, separateness, severalty
antonym 302111684 - joint
similar to 302110161 - apart
similar to 302110317 - asunder
similar to 302110447 - detached, isolated, separated, set-apart
similar to 302110778 - discrete, distinct
similar to 302110993 - disjoint
similar to 302111095 - disjunct, isolated
similar to 302111339 - isolable
similar to 302111486 - unaccompanied
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