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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301934554

Words: unreal

Gloss: lacking in reality or substance or genuineness; not corresponding to acknowledged facts or criteria; "ghosts and other unreal entities"; "unreal propaganda serving as news"

also see 301571363 - artificial, unreal
also see 301116380 - counterfeit, imitative
also see 302180797 - insincere
also see 301574446 - supernatural
also see 301941999 - unrealistic
attribute 113955461 - realism, reality, realness
derivationally related 113960117 - irreality, unreality
derivationally related 104762492 - unreality
antonym 301932973 - existent, real
similar to 301935139 - dreamed
similar to 301935301 - envisioned, pictured, visualised, visualized
similar to 301935581 - eye-deceiving, trompe-l'oeil
similar to 301935744 - fabled, legendary
similar to 301935935 - fabricated, fancied, fictional, fictitious
similar to 301936184 - fabulous, mythic, mythical, mythologic, mythological
similar to 301936528 - fanciful, imaginary, notional
similar to 301936778 - fantastic, fantastical
similar to 301936997 - hallucinatory
similar to 301937187 - illusional, illusionary
similar to 301937390 - illusive, illusory
similar to 301937759 - make-believe, pretend

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