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Gloss: harsh or corrosive in tone; "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique"
similar to 301801600 - unpleasant
derivationally related 106721604 - invective, vitriol, vituperation
derivationally related 104658361 - virulence, virulency
derivationally related 104658361 - virulence, virulency
derivationally related 104643397 - acerbity, acrimony, bitterness, jaundice, tartness, thorniness
derivationally related 104780232 - acridity, acridness
derivationally related 104780232 - acridity, acridness
derivationally related 104643397 - acerbity, acrimony, bitterness, jaundice, tartness, thorniness
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