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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301794340

Words: fancy

Gloss: not plain; decorative or ornamented; "fancy handwriting"; "fancy clothes"

also see 300056002 - adorned, decorated
also see 302016535 - rhetorical
antonym 301791911 - plain
similar to 301794771 - aureate, flamboyant, florid
similar to 301794995 - baroque, churrigueresco, churrigueresque
similar to 301795203 - busy, fussy
similar to 301795353 - dressy
similar to 301795460 - crackle
similar to 301795610 - damascene
similar to 301795799 - damask
similar to 301795933 - elaborate, luxuriant
similar to 301796109 - battlemented, castellated, castled, embattled
similar to 301796304 - fanciful
similar to 301796452 - fantastic
similar to 301796600 - lacelike, lacy
similar to 301796736 - puff, puffed
similar to 301796844 - rococo
similar to 301796977 - vermicular, vermiculate, vermiculated

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