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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301746605

Words: perceptible

Gloss: capable of being perceived by the mind or senses; "a perceptible limp"; "easily perceptible sounds"; "perceptible changes in behavior"

also see 300173764 - audible, hearable
also see 302515341 - seeable, visible
derivationally related 200591519 - perceive
derivationally related 105017230 - perceptibility
antonym 301748318 - imperceptible, unperceivable
similar to 301746995 - detectable, noticeable
similar to 301747195 - discernible
similar to 301747364 - faint, weak
similar to 301747713 - palpable
similar to 301747849 - perceivable
similar to 301747996 - recognizable
similar to 301748152 - sensible

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