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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301561771

Words: moving

Gloss: in motion; "a constantly moving crowd"; "the moving parts of the machine"

also see 301522376 - mobile
attribute 114004317 - motion
antonym 301564073 - nonmoving, unmoving
similar to 301562167 - afoot
similar to 301562284 - ahorse, ahorseback
similar to 301562416 - oncoming
similar to 301562488 - automotive, self-propelled, self-propelling
similar to 301562668 - awheel
similar to 301562809 - blown
similar to 301562992 - fast-flying, flying
similar to 301563147 - aflare, flaring
similar to 301563349 - kinetic
similar to 301563494 - mobile
similar to 301563578 - restless
similar to 301563713 - wiggly, wriggling, wriggly, writhing
similar to 301563923 - vibratory

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