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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301522376

Words: mobile

Gloss: moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place); "a mobile missile system"; "the tongue is...the most mobile articulator"

also see 301561771 - moving
derivationally related 104773351 - mobility
antonym 301525116 - immobile
similar to 301522895 - airborne
similar to 301522985 - ambulant, ambulatory
similar to 301523136 - floating
similar to 301523249 - maneuverable, manoeuvrable
similar to 301523450 - mechanised, mechanized, motorized
similar to 301523567 - motile
similar to 301523724 - movable, moveable, transferable, transferrable, transportable
similar to 301523968 - perambulating
similar to 301524102 - racy
similar to 301524215 - raisable, raiseable
similar to 301524344 - rangy
similar to 301524445 - rotatable
similar to 301524562 - seaborne
similar to 301524632 - transplantable
similar to 301524722 - versatile
similar to 301525017 - waterborne

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