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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 202265231

Words: account, calculate

Gloss: keep an account of

derivationally related 105802185 - calculation, computation, figuring, reckoning
derivationally related 100868910 - calculation, computation, computing
derivationally related 106516955 - account, bill, invoice
derivationally related 109761403 - accountant, comptroller, controller
derivationally related 113405962 - accounting, accounting_system, method_of_accounting
derivationally related 113354985 - account, account_statement, accounting
derivationally related 105662532 - accounting
derivationally related 100618734 - accountancy, accounting
hyponym 202264752 - credit
hyponym 202264967 - balance
hyponym 202265090 - overbalance
hyponym 202265560 - debit
hyponym 202265881 - compound
hyponym 202320374 - bill, charge

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