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Gloss: observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect; "The customs agent examined the baggage"; "I must see your passport before you can enter the country"
entailment 202130524 - look
derivationally related 100635850 - examination, scrutiny
derivationally related 110067968 - examiner, inspector
hyponym 201317723 - search
hyponym 202149786 - x-ray
hyponym 202149899 - candle
hyponym 202150039 - autopsy
hyponym 202150192 - auscultate
hyponym 202150328 - survey
hyponym 202152278 - glance_over, rake, run_down, scan, skim
hyponym 202152504 - scan
hyponym 202152812 - peruse
hyponym 202153387 - scrutinise, scrutinize, size_up, take_stock
hyponym 202153709 - look, search
hyponym 202165543 - inspect
hyponym 202533282 - check
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