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Gloss: travel up, "We ascended the mountain"; "go up a ladder"; "The mountaineers slowly ascended the steep slope"
hypernym 201835496 - go, locomote, move, travel
derivationally related 302083391 - ascendable, ascendible, climbable
derivationally related 302484638 - ascendant, ascendent, ascensive
derivationally related 302484638 - ascendant, ascendent, ascensive
derivationally related 107445480 - ascension, ascent, rise, rising
derivationally related 100324384 - ascending, ascension, ascent, rise
derivationally related 107445480 - ascension, ascent, rise, rising
derivationally related 100324384 - ascending, ascension, ascent, rise
derivationally related 109813522 - ascender
antonym 201970826 - come_down, descend, fall, go_down
hyponym 201990281 - come_up, rise, rise_up, surface
hyponym 201990562 - uprise
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