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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 201921964

Words: climb, climb_up, go_up, mount

Gloss: go upward with gradual or continuous progress; "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?"

hypernym 201968569 - arise, come_up, go_up, lift, move_up, rise, uprise
derivationally related 100325110 - climb, mount
derivationally related 110334957 - climber, mounter
derivationally related 107370410 - climb, climbing, mounting
derivationally related 109206985 - acclivity, ascent, climb, raise, rise, upgrade
derivationally related 100325110 - climb, mount
derivationally related 113102409 - climber
derivationally related 110334957 - climber, mounter
derivationally related 109929298 - climber
derivationally related 103126385 - climber, climbing_iron, crampon, crampoon
derivationally related 107370410 - climb, climbing, mounting
also see 201923414 - bestride, climb_on, get_on, hop_on, jump_on, mount, mount_up
also see 201978576 - alight, climb_down
hyponym 201922466 - scale
hyponym 201922576 - escalade
hyponym 201922754 - ramp
hyponym 201922895 - mountaineer
hyponym 202095545 - ride

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