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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 201698271

Words: compose, indite, pen, write

Gloss: produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels"

entailment 201699896 - spell, write
verb group 201744611 - publish, write
hypernym 201697816 - create_verbally
domain topic 100929718 - authorship, composition, penning, writing
derivationally related 103906997 - pen
derivationally related 100929718 - authorship, composition, penning, writing
derivationally related 100929718 - authorship, composition, penning, writing
derivationally related 110794014 - author, writer
derivationally related 100929718 - authorship, composition, penning, writing
also see 201754576 - write_out, write_up
hyponym 201690816 - draw
hyponym 201698916 - lyric
hyponym 201699172 - write_about, write_of, write_on
hyponym 201699346 - profile
hyponym 201699539 - paragraph
hyponym 201699700 - paragraph
hyponym 201700540 - write_off
hyponym 201700655 - dash_off, fling_off, knock_off, scratch_off, toss_off
hyponym 201700934 - rewrite
hyponym 201701152 - write_copy
hyponym 201701311 - adopt, dramatise, dramatize
hyponym 201701634 - draft, outline
hyponym 201702514 - poetise, poetize, verse, versify
hyponym 201704452 - author
hyponym 201704953 - annotate, footnote
hyponym 201705257 - cite, reference
hyponym 201754576 - write_out, write_up
hyponym 201756719 - script

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