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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 201211699

Words: manipulate

Gloss: hold something in one's hands and move it

hypernym 201210737 - handle, palm
derivationally related 100140652 - handling, manipulation
derivationally related 110291110 - manipulator
hyponym 201212024 - lay_hands_on
hyponym 201212115 - mouse
hyponym 201224211 - fiddle_with, twiddle
hyponym 201224415 - handle, manage, wield
hyponym 201224744 - control, operate
hyponym 201232738 - knead, massage, rub_down
hyponym 201235355 - knead, work
hyponym 201418667 - mix, ruffle, shuffle
hyponym 201586018 - fiddle, monkey, tamper
hyponym 201586278 - diddle, fiddle, play, toy

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