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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 201158572

Words: expend, use

Gloss: use up, consume fully; "The legislature expended its time on school questions"

entailment 201157517 - consume, deplete, eat, eat_up, exhaust, run_through, use_up, wipe_out
derivationally related 100356367 - consumption, expenditure, using_up
derivationally related 113451804 - consumption, economic_consumption, usance, use, use_of_goods_and_services
also see 201157517 - consume, deplete, eat, eat_up, exhaust, run_through, use_up, wipe_out
hyponym 200203213 - abuse, misuse, pervert
hyponym 200203556 - abuse
hyponym 201158484 - spare
hyponym 202267989 - occupy, take, use_up
hyponym 202268351 - blow, squander, waste

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