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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 201143838

Words: hunt, hunt_down, run, track_down

Gloss: pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals); "Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland"; "The dogs are running deer"; "The Duke hunted in these woods"

verb group 202092309 - run
hypernym 201480149 - capture, catch
derivationally related 100452293 - hunt, hunting
derivationally related 100622584 - hunt, hunting
derivationally related 110193026 - hunter, huntsman
derivationally related 100452293 - hunt, hunting
derivationally related 100622584 - hunt, hunting
hyponym 201135683 - snipe
hyponym 201141938 - whale
hyponym 201142203 - ambush, still-hunt
hyponym 201142363 - turtle
hyponym 201142490 - drive
hyponym 201142636 - drive
hyponym 201142761 - rabbit
hyponym 201142899 - fowl
hyponym 201143266 - poach
hyponym 201143498 - seal
hyponym 201144550 - ferret
verb group 201144657 - hunt
hyponym 201144873 - course
hyponym 201145024 - foxhunt
hyponym 201145365 - jack, jacklight
hyponym 201145612 - hawk
hyponym 201145766 - falcon
hyponym 201145944 - fowl
hyponym 202269894 - forage, scrounge

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