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Gloss: pose a series of questions to; "The suspect was questioned by the police"; "We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion"
hypernym 200897746 - ask
derivationally related 107196682 - interrogation, interrogative, interrogative_sentence, question
derivationally related 107193596 - enquiry, inquiry, interrogation, query, question
derivationally related 107193184 - inquiring, questioning
derivationally related 300687163 - interrogative, interrogatory
derivationally related 300687163 - interrogative, interrogatory
derivationally related 107193596 - enquiry, inquiry, interrogation, query, question
derivationally related 107196682 - interrogation, interrogative, interrogative_sentence, question
derivationally related 107193958 - examination, interrogation, interrogatory
derivationally related 110208287 - inquisitor, interrogator
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