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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 200785962

Words: enquire, inquire, investigate

Gloss: conduct an inquiry or investigation of; "The district attorney's office investigated reports of possible irregularities"; "inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady"

hypernym 200788564 - examine, probe
derivationally related 110207831 - asker, enquirer, inquirer, querier, questioner
derivationally related 100636728 - enquiry, inquiry
derivationally related 300879259 - inquisitive
derivationally related 100636728 - enquiry, inquiry
derivationally related 107193184 - inquiring, questioning
derivationally related 300879030 - fact-finding, investigative, investigatory
derivationally related 300879030 - fact-finding, investigative, investigatory
derivationally related 105800611 - investigation, probe
derivationally related 100633864 - investigating, investigation
derivationally related 110009276 - detective, investigator, police_detective, tec
derivationally related 100633864 - investigating, investigation
hyponym 200785470 - spy

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