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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Verb Synset: 200299580

Words: accommodate, adapt

Gloss: make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country"

hypernym 200123170 - alter, change, vary
derivationally related 107369604 - accommodation, adjustment, fitting
derivationally related 105755486 - accommodation
derivationally related 300046109 - adaptative, adaptive
derivationally related 301027263 - adaptable
derivationally related 102678897 - adapter, adaptor
derivationally related 102678897 - adapter, adaptor
hyponym 200298067 - adjust
hyponym 200298244 - gear, pitch
hyponym 200300113 - fit
hyponym 200300317 - anglicise, anglicize
hyponym 200301544 - shoehorn
hyponym 200301662 - orient, tailor
hyponym 200301856 - domesticate, tame
hyponym 200302464 - cultivate, domesticate, naturalise, naturalize, tame
hyponym 200386085 - Christianize
hyponym 200412993 - naturalise, naturalize
hyponym 200505802 - electrify, wire
hyponym 201708113 - transcribe

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