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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 115239579

Words: season

Gloss: a period of the year marked by special events or activities in some field; "he celebrated his 10th season with the ballet company"; "she always looked forward to the avocado season"

hypernym 115113229 - period, period_of_time, time_period
hyponym 115238169 - growing_season
hyponym 115238271 - seedtime
hyponym 115238371 - sheepshearing
hyponym 115238472 - holiday_season
hyponym 115238570 - high_season, peak_season
hyponym 115238761 - off-season
hyponym 115240119 - preseason
hyponym 115240389 - baseball_season
hyponym 115240633 - basketball_season
hyponym 115240733 - exhibition_season
hyponym 115240888 - fishing_season
hyponym 115240998 - football_season
hyponym 115241094 - hockey_season
hyponym 115241186 - hunting_season
hyponym 115241311 - social_season
hyponym 115241405 - theatrical_season
hyponym 115242719 - Whitsun, Whitsuntide, Whitweek

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