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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 115078050

Words: transparent_gem

Gloss: a gemstone having the property of transmitting light without serious diffusion

hypernym 114699752 - gem, gemstone, stone
hyponym 114676042 - garnet
hyponym 114722589 - amethyst
hyponym 114767663 - aquamarine
hyponym 114806333 - calcedony, chalcedony
hyponym 114812047 - chrysolite
hyponym 114812233 - chrysoprase
hyponym 114813067 - citrine
hyponym 114834563 - adamant, diamond
hyponym 114849655 - emerald
hyponym 114928180 - kunzite
hyponym 114954822 - moonstone
hyponym 114955776 - morganite
hyponym 114979961 - peridot
hyponym 115008142 - ruby
hyponym 115019357 - water_sapphire
hyponym 115019483 - sapphire
hyponym 115052413 - hiddenite
hyponym 115064560 - aventurine, sunstone
hyponym 115076349 - topaz
hyponym 115076619 - tourmaline

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