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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114971519

Words: oxide

Gloss: any compound of oxygen with another element or a radical

hypernym 114818238 - chemical_compound, compound
derivationally related 200238867 - oxidate, oxidise, oxidize
derivationally related 200238867 - oxidate, oxidise, oxidize
hyponym 114616740 - titania, titanic_oxide, titanium_dioxide, titanium_oxide
hyponym 114690335 - pentoxide
hyponym 114766890 - nitrogen_oxide
hyponym 114789885 - burnt_lime, calcined_lime, calcium_oxide, calx, fluxing_lime, lime, quicklime, unslaked_lime
hyponym 114822762 - copper_oxide
hyponym 114836127 - dioxide
hyponym 114865800 - ferric_oxide
hyponym 114954601 - monoxide
hyponym 114980087 - peroxide
hyponym 115003329 - minium, red_lead
hyponym 115041277 - silica, silicon_dioxide, silicon_oxide
hyponym 115063946 - sulfur_oxide, sulphur_oxide
hyponym 115064917 - superoxide
hyponym 115069472 - tetroxide
hyponym 115079925 - trioxide
hyponym 115108087 - flowers_of_zinc, philosopher's_wool, philosophers'_wool, zinc_oxide
hyponym 115109391 - zirconia, zirconium_dioxide, zirconium_oxide

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