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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 114881303

Words: glass

Gloss: a brittle transparent solid with irregular atomic structure

hypernym 115046900 - solid
substance holonym 103439064 - glassware, glasswork
part holonym 103438257 - drinking_glass, glass
derivationally related 302237761 - glassy
derivationally related 201587575 - glass, glass_in
derivationally related 202335363 - glass, glaze
substance holonym 103961070 - plate_glass, sheet_glass
hyponym 114879605 - natural_glass
hyponym 114879996 - milk_glass, opal_glass
hyponym 114880107 - optical_glass
hyponym 114880557 - crown_glass
hyponym 114881759 - soft_glass
hyponym 114881861 - ground_glass
hyponym 114882000 - ground_glass
hyponym 114882117 - lead_glass
hyponym 114882370 - laminated_glass, safety_glass, shatterproof_glass
hyponym 114882578 - sodium_silicate, soluble_glass, water_glass
hyponym 114882793 - stained_glass
hyponym 114883098 - wire_glass
hyponym 114999614 - Pyrex

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