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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114779205

Words: blanching_agent, bleach, bleaching_agent, whitener

Gloss: an agent that makes things white or colorless

hypernym 114778436 - agent
substance holonym 114781062 - bleach_liquor
substance holonym 114940952 - liquid_bleach
derivationally related 200280301 - white, whiten
derivationally related 200279465 - bleach
hyponym 114775430 - benzoyl_peroxide
hyponym 114780850 - bleaching_powder, chloride_of_lime, chlorinated_lime
hyponym 114789365 - calcium_hypochlorite
hyponym 114809843 - chlorine_dioxide
hyponym 114810032 - chlorine_water
hyponym 114815628 - Clorox
hyponym 115045490 - sodium_hypochlorite

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