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Gloss: the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her"
hypernym 113920835 - condition, status
derivationally related 300791631 - ascendant, ascendent, dominating
derivationally related 300791631 - ascendant, ascendent, dominating
derivationally related 202381571 - ascend
derivationally related 300791631 - ascendant, ascendent, dominating
derivationally related 300791631 - ascendant, ascendent, dominating
derivationally related 300791227 - dominant
derivationally related 202646931 - dominate
hyponym 114442361 - ascendant, ascendent
hyponym 114442530 - domination, mastery, supremacy
hyponym 114442749 - predominance, predomination, prepotency
hyponym 114442933 - dominion, rule
hyponym 114443434 - regulation
hyponym 114443912 - absolutism, despotism, tyranny
hyponym 114444114 - monopoly
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