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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114145095

Words: respiratory_disease, respiratory_disorder, respiratory_illness

Gloss: a disease affecting the respiratory system

hypernym 114070360 - disease
hyponym 114055052 - ARDS, adult_respiratory_distress_syndrome, wet_lung, white_lung
hyponym 114122497 - flu, grippe, influenza
hyponym 114144626 - pertussis, whooping_cough
hyponym 114145501 - cold, common_cold
hyponym 114145911 - asthma, asthma_attack, bronchial_asthma
hyponym 114146273 - bronchitis
hyponym 114147380 - emphysema, pulmonary_emphysema
hyponym 114147627 - pneumonia
hyponym 114147964 - atypical_pneumonia, mycoplasmal_pneumonia, primary_atypical_pneumonia
hyponym 114148510 - interstitial_pneumonia
hyponym 114149963 - pneumoconiosis, pneumonoconiosis
hyponym 114150740 - hyaline_membrane_disease, respiratory_distress_syndrome, respiratory_distress_syndrome_of_the_newborn
hyponym 114179946 - SARS, severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome
part meronym 114359174 - cough, coughing

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