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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114083790

Words: disturbance, folie, mental_disorder, mental_disturbance, psychological_disorder

Gloss: (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness

hypernym 114052403 - disorder, upset
domain topic 106055946 - psychiatry, psychological_medicine, psychopathology
hyponym 114084291 - Asperger's_syndrome
hyponym 114380473 - anxiety_disorder
hyponym 114386475 - psychosomatic_disorder
hyponym 114386590 - aberration
hyponym 114386697 - conversion_disorder, conversion_hysteria, conversion_reaction
hyponym 114387202 - delirium
hyponym 114387349 - delusional_disorder
hyponym 114387477 - encopresis
hyponym 114387604 - folie_a_deux
hyponym 114387807 - personality_disorder
hyponym 114388910 - affective_disorder, emotional_disorder, emotional_disturbance, major_affective_disorder
hyponym 114393033 - schizothymia
hyponym 114393161 - neurosis, neuroticism, psychoneurosis
hyponym 114417300 - dissociative_disorder

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