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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114074877

Words: monogenic_disease, monogenic_disorder

Gloss: an inherited disease controlled by a single pair of genes

hypernym 114151139 - congenital_disease, genetic_abnormality, genetic_defect, genetic_disease, genetic_disorder, hereditary_condition, hereditary_disease, inherited_disease, inherited_disorder
hyponym 114128812 - SCID, severe_combined_immunodeficiency, severe_combined_immunodeficiency_disease
hyponym 114155506 - CF, cystic_fibrosis, fibrocystic_disease_of_the_pancreas, mucoviscidosis, pancreatic_fibrosis
hyponym 114156345 - Gaucher's_disease
hyponym 114156976 - Huntington's_chorea, Huntington's_disease
hyponym 114157163 - Hurler's_disease, Hurler's_syndrome, dysostosis_multiplex, gargoylism, lipochondrodystrophy
hyponym 114158179 - neurofibromatosis, von_Recklinghausen's_disease
hyponym 114168792 - crescent-cell_anaemia, crescent-cell_anemia, drepanocytic_anaemia, drepanocytic_anemia, sickle-cell_anaemia, sickle-cell_anemia, sickle-cell_disease
hyponym 114169364 - Sachs_disease, Tay-Sachs, Tay-Sachs_disease, infantile_amaurotic_idiocy
hyponym 114195715 - Mediterranean_anaemia, Mediterranean_anemia, thalassaemia, thalassemia
hyponym 114466974 - familial_hypercholesterolemia

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