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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114061805

Words: illness, malady, sickness, unwellness

Gloss: impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism

hypernym 114052046 - health_problem, ill_health, unhealthiness
derivationally related 302541302 - ill, sick
derivationally related 302542325 - ailing, indisposed, peaked, poorly, seedy, sickly, under_the_weather, unwell
antonym 114447908 - health, wellness
derivationally related 302541302 - ill, sick
antonym 114447908 - health, wellness
hyponym 113923440 - condition
hyponym 114065332 - ague
hyponym 114065693 - amyloidosis
hyponym 114065903 - anuresis, anuria
hyponym 114066005 - catastrophic_illness
hyponym 114066203 - collapse, prostration
hyponym 114068344 - aeroembolism, air_embolism, bends, caisson_disease, decompression_sickness, gas_embolism
hyponym 114068685 - food_poisoning, gastrointestinal_disorder
hyponym 114069895 - lead_poisoning, plumbism, saturnism
hyponym 114070360 - disease
hyponym 114174316 - hypermotility
hyponym 114174455 - indisposition
hyponym 114190284 - ozone_sickness
hyponym 114191037 - toxaemia, toxaemia_of_pregnancy, toxemia, toxemia_of_pregnancy
hyponym 114234074 - growth

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