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English Word: 
Noun Synset: 114034177

Words: physical_condition, physiological_condition, physiological_state

Gloss: the condition or state of the body or bodily functions

hypernym 113920835 - condition, status
hyponym 105678474 - wakefulness
hyponym 113974937 - bloodiness
hyponym 113975037 - incompatibility
hyponym 114014425 - acathexia
hyponym 114014521 - angiotelectasia
hyponym 114014621 - torpidity, torpor
hyponym 114022199 - agalactia, agalactosis
hyponym 114023491 - anaesthesia, anesthesia
hyponym 114023804 - anhidrosis, anhydrosis
hyponym 114023997 - arousal
hyponym 114024882 - sleep, slumber
hyponym 114025993 - sleep, sopor
hyponym 114035298 - drive
hyponym 114035502 - elastosis
hyponym 114035695 - flatulence, flatulency, gas
hyponym 114035909 - flection, flexion, flexure
hyponym 114038264 - estrus, heat, oestrus, rut
hyponym 114038482 - anestrum, anestrus, anoestrum, anoestrus
hyponym 114041940 - hypercapnia, hypercarbia
hyponym 114042165 - acapnia, hypocapnia
hyponym 114042423 - asphyxia
hyponym 114042735 - oxygen_debt
hyponym 114044174 - hyperthermia, hyperthermy
hyponym 114044372 - normothermia
hyponym 114044454 - hypothermia
hyponym 114044719 - muscularity
hyponym 114044852 - myasthenia
hyponym 114045507 - infertility, sterility
hyponym 114046038 - false_pregnancy, pseudocyesis
hyponym 114046202 - gestation, maternity, pregnancy
hyponym 114049420 - rigor_mortis
hyponym 114049552 - vitalisation, vitalization
hyponym 114049711 - good_health, healthiness
hyponym 114051494 - fecundity, fertility
hyponym 114051728 - potence, potency
hyponym 114051917 - pathological_state
hyponym 114052403 - disorder, upset
hyponym 114061462 - cellularity
hyponym 114062725 - addiction, dependance, dependence, dependency, habituation
hyponym 114063089 - suspended_animation
hyponym 114063475 - cryptobiosis
hyponym 114063633 - dilatation, distension, distention
hyponym 114096957 - emmetropia
hyponym 114290212 - sedation
hyponym 114290881 - hyperpigmentation
hyponym 114291010 - hypopigmentation
hyponym 114338848 - amyxia
hyponym 114405774 - cold_sweat
hyponym 114501726 - abnormalcy, abnormality
hyponym 114507951 - blockage, obstruction
hyponym 114509712 - intoxication, poisoning, toxic_condition
hyponym 114552205 - analgesia
hyponym 114571618 - oligospermia

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