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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 113927383

Words: situation, state_of_affairs

Gloss: the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time; "the present international situation is dangerous"; "wondered how such a state of affairs had come about"; "eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation"- Franklin D.Roosevelt

hypernym 100024720 - state
hyponym 113928191 - absurd, the_absurd
hyponym 113932421 - acceptance
hyponym 113932739 - ballgame, new_ballgame
hyponym 113932948 - challenge
hyponym 113933103 - childlessness
hyponym 113933221 - complication
hyponym 113933841 - crowding
hyponym 113934274 - disequilibrium
hyponym 113934465 - element
hyponym 113934596 - environment
hyponym 113934900 - equilibrium
hyponym 113935227 - exclusion
hyponym 113935400 - fish_bowl, fishbowl, goldfish_bowl
hyponym 113935753 - hotbed
hyponym 113936304 - inclusion
hyponym 113936441 - intestacy
hyponym 113937075 - picture, scene
hyponym 113937284 - prison, prison_house
hyponym 113937554 - rejection
hyponym 113937727 - size, size_of_it
hyponym 113937918 - square_one
hyponym 113938210 - status_quo
hyponym 113943968 - thing

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