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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 113732295

Words: common_fraction, simple_fraction

Gloss: the quotient of two integers

hypernym 113732078 - fraction
hyponym 113736799 - half, one-half
hyponym 113737190 - one-third, third, tierce
hyponym 113737378 - two-thirds
hyponym 113737480 - fourth, fourth_part, one-fourth, one-quarter, quarter, quartern, twenty-five_percent
hyponym 113737700 - three-fourths, three-quarters
hyponym 113737830 - fifth, fifth_part, one-fifth, twenty_percent
hyponym 113737952 - one-sixth, sixth
hyponym 113738043 - one-seventh, seventh
hyponym 113738140 - eighth, one-eighth
hyponym 113738235 - ninth, one-ninth
hyponym 113738327 - one-tenth, ten_percent, tenth, tenth_part
hyponym 113738459 - duodecimal, one-twelfth, twelfth, twelfth_part
hyponym 113738585 - one-sixteenth, sixteenth, sixteenth_part
hyponym 113738705 - one-thirty-second, thirty-second, thirty-second_part
hyponym 113738840 - one-sixtieth, sixtieth
hyponym 113738939 - one-sixty-fourth, sixty-fourth
hyponym 113739051 - hundredth, one-hundredth, one_percent
hyponym 113739170 - one-thousandth, thousandth
hyponym 113739278 - one-ten-thousandth, ten-thousandth
hyponym 113739396 - one-hundred-thousandth
hyponym 113739507 - millionth, one-millionth
hyponym 113739612 - one-hundred-millionth
hyponym 113739721 - billionth, one-billionth
hyponym 113739826 - one-trillionth, trillionth
hyponym 113739934 - one-quadrillionth, quadrillionth
hyponym 113740051 - one-quintillionth, quintillionth

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