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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 113615557

Words: British_capacity_unit, Imperial_capacity_unit

Gloss: a unit of measure for capacity officially adopted in the British Imperial System; British units are both dry and wet

hypernym 113614764 - liquid_measure, liquid_unit
hypernym 113615036 - dry_measure, dry_unit
hyponym 113619920 - barrel, bbl
hyponym 113621011 - minim
hyponym 113621190 - drachm, fluid_drachm, fluid_dram, fluidram
hyponym 113621418 - fluid_ounce, fluidounce
hyponym 113621660 - gill
hyponym 113621850 - pint
hyponym 113622035 - quart
hyponym 113622209 - Imperial_gallon, congius, gallon
hyponym 113622451 - peck
hyponym 113622591 - bushel
hyponym 113622769 - firkin
hyponym 113622914 - kilderkin
hyponym 113623054 - quarter
hyponym 113623205 - hogshead
hyponym 113623329 - chaldron

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