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Gloss: (computer science) data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction); "it can perform millions of operations per second"
hypernym 113455487 - data_processing
domain topic 106128570 - computer_science, computing
hyponym 102671224 - access, memory_access
hyponym 113435377 - asynchronous_operation
hyponym 113436809 - auxiliary_operation, off-line_operation
hyponym 113440935 - binary_arithmetic_operation, binary_operation, boolean_operation
hyponym 113450862 - computer_operation, machine_operation
hyponym 113451204 - concurrent_operation
hyponym 113452117 - control_function, control_operation
hyponym 113470392 - dyadic_operation
hyponym 113481727 - fixed-cycle_operation
hyponym 113509042 - logic_operation, logical_operation
hyponym 113517080 - monadic_operation, unary_operation
hyponym 113517717 - multiplex_operation
hyponym 113532196 - parallel_operation, simultaneous_operation
hyponym 113540791 - printing_operation
hyponym 113553560 - lookup, search
hyponym 113554800 - consecutive_operation, sequential_operation, serial_operation
hyponym 113558696 - sort, sorting
hyponym 113564501 - synchronous_operation
hyponym 113567344 - threshold_operation
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