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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 113381734

Words: bank_check, check, cheque

Gloss: a written order directing a bank to pay money; "he paid all his bills by check"

hypernym 113377268 - bill_of_exchange, draft, order_of_payment
derivationally related 202311260 - check_out, cheque
derivationally related 201064999 - check
hyponym 113382121 - bad_check, bad_cheque
hyponym 113382306 - kite
hyponym 113382471 - kite
hyponym 113382614 - counter_check
hyponym 113382766 - giro, giro_cheque
hyponym 113382975 - paycheck, payroll_check
hyponym 113383090 - certified_check, certified_cheque
hyponym 113383289 - personal_check, personal_cheque
hyponym 113383439 - cashier's_check, cashier's_cheque, treasurer's_check, treasurer's_cheque
hyponym 113383696 - blank_check, blank_cheque
hyponym 113384018 - medicare_check, medicare_payment

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