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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 113156083

Words: simple_leaf

Gloss: a leaf that is not divided into parts

hypernym 113152742 - foliage, leaf, leafage
hyponym 113157595 - acerate_leaf, needle
hyponym 113157684 - acuminate_leaf
hyponym 113157780 - cordate_leaf
hyponym 113157858 - cuneate_leaf
hyponym 113157971 - deltoid_leaf
hyponym 113158071 - elliptic_leaf
hyponym 113158167 - ensiform_leaf
hyponym 113158258 - hastate_leaf
hyponym 113158386 - lanceolate_leaf
hyponym 113158512 - elongate_leaf, linear_leaf
hyponym 113158605 - lyrate_leaf
hyponym 113158714 - obtuse_leaf
hyponym 113158815 - oblanceolate_leaf
hyponym 113158925 - oblong_leaf
hyponym 113159044 - obovate_leaf
hyponym 113159155 - ovate_leaf
hyponym 113159263 - orbiculate_leaf
hyponym 113159357 - pandurate_leaf, panduriform_leaf
hyponym 113159457 - peltate_leaf
hyponym 113159558 - perfoliate_leaf
hyponym 113159691 - reniform_leaf
hyponym 113159778 - sagittate-leaf, sagittiform_leaf
hyponym 113159890 - spatulate_leaf

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