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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 113086908

Words: plant_part, plant_structure

Gloss: any part of a plant or fungus

hypernym 100019128 - natural_object
part holonym 100017222 - flora, plant, plant_life
hyponym 109449657 - stub
hyponym 111531916 - button
hyponym 111532017 - thallus
hyponym 111532351 - cap, pileus
hyponym 111532547 - calyptra
hyponym 111532682 - volva
hyponym 111533999 - domatium
hyponym 111550620 - pycnidium
hyponym 111550890 - stipule
hyponym 111551044 - tepal
hyponym 111675404 - gynostegium
hyponym 111679085 - chalaza
hyponym 111679250 - nucellus
hyponym 111680457 - germ_tube
hyponym 111680596 - pollen_tube
hyponym 111690737 - mentum
hyponym 111691332 - corona
hyponym 111691857 - lip
hyponym 113022709 - mycelium
hyponym 113087625 - plant_organ
hyponym 113090871 - aril
hyponym 113091057 - duct
hyponym 113094556 - veil, velum
hyponym 113095348 - annulus, skirt
hyponym 113095685 - plant_tissue
hyponym 113102775 - tendril
hyponym 113111504 - stump, tree_stump
hyponym 113127001 - prophyll
hyponym 113127091 - stock
hyponym 113130161 - receptacle
hyponym 113137010 - kernel, meat
hyponym 113161506 - lobe
hyponym 113162164 - ligule

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