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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 113083586

Words: tracheophyte, vascular_plant

Gloss: green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms

hypernym 100017222 - flora, plant, plant_life
part meronym 105511286 - vascular_system
hyponym 111545524 - nonflowering_plant, pteridophyte
hyponym 111552386 - phanerogam, seed_plant, spermatophyte
hyponym 112205694 - herb, herbaceous_plant
hyponym 112387103 - halophyte
hyponym 113084184 - succulent
hyponym 113084834 - cultivar
hyponym 113084993 - cultivated_plant
hyponym 113085113 - weed
part meronym 113091057 - duct
part meronym 113096863 - vascular_tissue
hyponym 113099833 - evergreen, evergreen_plant
hyponym 113099999 - deciduous_plant
hyponym 113100677 - vine
hyponym 113102648 - creeper
hyponym 113103136 - ligneous_plant, woody_plant
hyponym 113120958 - geophyte
hyponym 113121104 - desert_plant, xerophile, xerophilous_plant, xerophyte, xerophytic_plant
hyponym 113121349 - mesophyte, mesophytic_plant
hyponym 113121544 - aquatic_plant, hydrophyte, hydrophytic_plant, water_plant
hyponym 113128278 - tuberous_plant
hyponym 113134302 - bulbous_plant
hyponym 113134844 - cormous_plant
hyponym 113217494 - psilophyte
hyponym 113217993 - psilophyton

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