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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110677713

Words: admirer, booster, champion, friend, protagonist, supporter

Gloss: a person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library"

hypernym 109774783 - advocate, advocator, exponent, proponent
derivationally related 202554922 - advance, boost, encourage, further, promote
derivationally related 201827858 - admire, look_up_to
derivationally related 201149138 - champion, defend
derivationally related 202453889 - back, endorse, indorse, plump_for, plunk_for, support
derivationally related 200895304 - defend, fend_for, support
hyponym 109794211 - anglophil, anglophile
hyponym 109848489 - believer, truster
hyponym 109868157 - Boswell
hyponym 109913593 - cheerleader
hyponym 109953615 - Confederate
hyponym 109966470 - corporatist
hyponym 110059582 - enthusiast, partisan, partizan
hyponym 110108719 - Francophil, Francophile
hyponym 110111358 - free_trader
hyponym 110116246 - functionalist
hyponym 110218989 - Jacobite
hyponym 110275395 - loyalist, stalwart
hyponym 110355806 - New_Dealer
hyponym 110422540 - Graecophile, philhellene, philhellenist
hyponym 110432957 - mainstay, pillar
hyponym 110540526 - Roundhead
hyponym 110568443 - seconder
hyponym 110586998 - Shavian
hyponym 110670668 - endorser, indorser, ratifier, subscriber
hyponym 110686073 - sympathiser, sympathizer, well-wisher
hyponym 110713502 - toaster, wassailer
hyponym 110740219 - maintainer, sustainer, upholder
hyponym 110760763 - verifier, voucher
hyponym 110776052 - Whig

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