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English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110467395

Words: Chief_Executive, President, President_of_the_United_States, United_States_President

Gloss: the person who holds the office of head of state of the United States government; "the President likes to jog every morning"

hypernym 110164747 - chief_of_state, head_of_state
part holonym 108356074 - Executive_Office_of_the_President, executive_branch
derivationally related 302984104 - presidential
derivationally related 100596807 - presidency, presidentship
derivationally related 115266265 - administration, presidency, presidential_term
derivationally related 100596807 - presidency, presidentship
derivationally related 202443609 - preside
instance hyponym 110808200 - Adams, John_Adams, President_Adams, President_John_Adams
instance hyponym 110808353 - Adams, John_Quincy_Adams, President_Adams, President_John_Quincy_Adams
instance hyponym 110825180 - Arthur, Chester_A._Arthur, Chester_Alan_Arthur, President_Arthur
instance hyponym 110869931 - Buchanan, James_Buchanan, President_Buchanan
instance hyponym 110875468 - Bush, George_Bush, George_H.W._Bush, George_Herbert_Walker_Bush, President_Bush
instance hyponym 110875910 - Bush, Dubya, Dubyuh, George_Bush, George_W._Bush, George_Walker_Bush, President_Bush, President_George_W._Bush
instance hyponym 110884831 - Carter, James_Earl_Carter, James_Earl_Carter_Jr., Jimmy_Carter, President_Carter
instance hyponym 110902051 - Cleveland, Grover_Cleveland, President_Cleveland, Stephen_Grover_Cleveland
instance hyponym 110902591 - Bill_Clinton, Clinton, President_Clinton, William_Jefferson_Clinton
instance hyponym 110908919 - Calvin_Coolidge, Coolidge, President_Coolidge
instance hyponym 110954966 - Dwight_D._Eisenhower, Dwight_David_Eisenhower, Dwight_Eisenhower, Eisenhower, Ike, President_Eisenhower
instance hyponym 110970864 - Fillmore, Millard_Fillmore, President_Fillmore
instance hyponym 110974740 - Ford, Gerald_Ford, Gerald_R._Ford, Gerald_Rudolph_Ford, President_Ford
instance hyponym 110990733 - Garfield, James_A._Garfield, James_Abraham_Garfield, James_Garfield, President_Garfield
instance hyponym 111011123 - Grant, Hiram_Ulysses_Grant, President_Grant, Ulysses_Grant, Ulysses_S._Grant, Ulysses_Simpson_Grant
instance hyponym 111028446 - Harding, President_Harding, Warren_Gamaliel_Harding, Warren_Harding
instance hyponym 111031420 - Harrison, President_Harrison, President_William_Henry_Harrison, William_Henry_Harrison
instance hyponym 111031668 - Benjamin_Harrison, Harrison, President_Benjamin_Harrison, President_Harrison
instance hyponym 111036140 - Hayes, President_Hayes, Rutherford_B._Hayes, Rutherford_Birchard_Hayes
instance hyponym 111058633 - Herbert_Clark_Hoover, Herbert_Hoover, Hoover, President_Hoover
instance hyponym 111075823 - Andrew_Jackson, Jackson, Old_Hickory
instance hyponym 111081828 - Jefferson, President_Jefferson, Thomas_Jefferson
instance hyponym 111088059 - Andrew_Johnson, Johnson, President_Andrew_Johnson, President_Johnson
instance hyponym 111088346 - Johnson, LBJ, Lyndon_Baines_Johnson, Lyndon_Johnson, President_Johnson, President_Lyndon_Johnson
instance hyponym 111101000 - JFK, Jack_Kennedy, John_Fitzgerald_Kennedy, Kennedy, President_John_F._Kennedy, President_Kennedy
instance hyponym 111132462 - Abraham_Lincoln, Lincoln, President_Abraham_Lincoln, President_Lincoln
instance hyponym 111148486 - James_Madison, Madison, President_Madison
instance hyponym 111169418 - McKinley, President_McKinley, William_McKinley
instance hyponym 111186042 - James_Monroe, Monroe, President_Monroe
instance hyponym 111208172 - Nixon, President_Nixon, Richard_M._Nixon, Richard_Milhous_Nixon, Richard_Nixon
instance hyponym 111234813 - Franklin_Pierce, Pierce, President_Pierce
instance hyponym 111240733 - James_K._Polk, James_Knox_Polk, James_Polk, Polk, President_Polk
instance hyponym 111255460 - President_Reagan, Reagan, Ronald_Reagan, Ronald_Wilson_Reagan
instance hyponym 111269697 - President_Roosevelt, President_Theodore_Roosevelt, Roosevelt, Theodore_Roosevelt
instance hyponym 111270023 - F._D._Roosevelt, FDR, Franklin_Delano_Roosevelt, Franklin_Roosevelt, President_Franklin_Roosevelt, President_Roosevelt, Roosevelt
instance hyponym 111328714 - President_Taft, Taft, William_Howard_Taft
instance hyponym 111333237 - President_Taylor, Taylor, Zachary_Taylor
instance hyponym 111349739 - Harry_S_Truman, Harry_Truman, President_Truman, Truman
instance hyponym 111354145 - John_Tyler, President_Tyler, Tyler
instance hyponym 111358719 - Martin_Van_Buren, President_Van_Buren, Van_Buren
instance hyponym 111375418 - George_Washington, President_Washington, Washington
instance hyponym 111390855 - President_Wilson, Thomas_Woodrow_Wilson, Wilson, Woodrow_Wilson

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