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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110294602

Words: Jack, Jack-tar, gob, mariner, old_salt, sea_dog, seafarer, seaman, tar

Gloss: a man who serves as a sailor

hypernym 110546633 - crewman, sailor
derivationally related 301566476 - seamanlike, seamanly
derivationally related 105639832 - seamanship
hyponym 109756500 - able-bodied_seaman, able_seaman
hyponym 109862183 - bo's'n, bo'sun, boatswain, bos'n, bosun
hyponym 109998788 - deckhand, roustabout
hyponym 110169796 - helmsman, steerer, steersman
hyponym 110261388 - bargee, bargeman, lighterman
hyponym 110371741 - officer, ship's_officer
hyponym 110433452 - pilot
hyponym 110567172 - sea_lawyer
hyponym 110775128 - whaler

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