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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110256080

Words: lexicographer, lexicologist

Gloss: a compiler or writer of a dictionary; a student of the lexical component of language

hypernym 109946957 - compiler
hypernym 110264437 - linguist, linguistic_scientist
derivationally related 106178812 - lexicology
derivationally related 100931721 - lexicography
hyponym 110066314 - etymologist
hyponym 110352898 - neologist
hyponym 110687135 - synonymist
instance hyponym 110831136 - Bailey, Nathan_Bailey, Nathaniel_Bailey
instance hyponym 110914134 - Craigie, Sir_William_Alexander_Craigie, William_A._Craigie
instance hyponym 110973722 - Florio, John_Florio
instance hyponym 110976708 - Fowler, Henry_Watson_Fowler
instance hyponym 111088622 - Dr._Johnson, Johnson, Samuel_Johnson
instance hyponym 111118072 - Larousse, Pierre_Athanase_Larousse, Pierre_Larousse
instance hyponym 111135371 - Littre, Maximilien_Paul_Emile_Littre
instance hyponym 111197099 - James_Augustus_Henry_Murray, James_Augustus_Murray, James_Murray, Murray, Sir_James_Augustus_Henry_Murray, Sir_James_Augustus_Murray, Sir_James_Murray
instance hyponym 111379108 - Noah_Webster, Webster
instance hyponym 111397488 - Joseph_Emerson_Worcester, Worcester

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