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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110203298

Words: Indian_chief, Indian_chieftain

Gloss: the leader of a group of Native Americans

hypernym 110164025 - chief, chieftain, headman, tribal_chief
hyponym 110544940 - sachem, sagamore
instance hyponym 110852320 - Black_Hawk, Makataimeshekiakiak
instance hyponym 110903570 - Cochise
instance hyponym 110914779 - Crazy_Horse, Tashunca-Uitco
instance hyponym 110996677 - Geronimo
instance hyponym 111049278 - Hiawatha
instance hyponym 111092126 - Chief_Joseph, Joseph
instance hyponym 111101843 - Keokuk
instance hyponym 111163582 - Massasoit
instance hyponym 111245382 - Powhatan, Wahunsonacock
instance hyponym 111252392 - Rain-in-the-Face
instance hyponym 111255917 - Red_Cloud
instance hyponym 111293157 - George_Guess, Sequoya, Sequoyah
instance hyponym 111303698 - Sitting_Bull

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