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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110078806

Words: farmer, granger, husbandman, sodbuster

Gloss: a person who operates a farm

hypernym 109614315 - creator
derivationally related 110079210 - farmerette
derivationally related 202420232 - farm
derivationally related 201739814 - farm, grow, produce, raise
hyponym 109613118 - contadino
hyponym 109779790 - agriculturalist, agriculturist, cultivator, grower, raiser
hyponym 109846755 - apiarist, apiculturist, beekeeper
hyponym 109988392 - dairy_farmer, dairyman
hyponym 110104756 - arboriculturist, forester, tree_farmer
hyponym 110438619 - plantation_owner, planter
hyponym 110506417 - rancher
hyponym 110613387 - smallholder
hyponym 110613738 - small_farmer
hyponym 110629020 - sower
hyponym 110658501 - stock_farmer, stock_raiser, stockman
hyponym 110700840 - tenant_farmer
hyponym 110711005 - tiller

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