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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109974648

Words: artificer, artisan, craftsman, journeyman

Gloss: a skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft

hypernym 110605985 - skilled_worker, skilled_workman, trained_worker
derivationally related 105638063 - craft, craftsmanship, workmanship
hyponym 109845999 - beautician, cosmetician
hyponym 109865744 - bookbinder
hyponym 109874518 - bricklayer
hyponym 109930102 - clockmaker, clocksmith
hyponym 109932227 - coachbuilder
hyponym 109959527 - construction_worker, hard_hat
hyponym 109963773 - barrel_maker, cooper
hyponym 109964315 - coppersmith
hyponym 109984187 - currier
hyponym 110012713 - die-sinker, diemaker, diesinker
hyponym 110132035 - glassblower
hyponym 110132145 - glass-cutter, glass_cutter, glassworker, glazer, glazier
hyponym 110135842 - gold-beater, goldbeater
hyponym 110155849 - hairdresser, hairstylist, styler, stylist
hyponym 110277509 - luthier
hyponym 110279018 - machinist, mechanic, shop_mechanic
hyponym 110297531 - mason, stonemason
hyponym 110318087 - miller
hyponym 110397001 - paperer, paperhanger
hyponym 110443032 - pipe_fitter, plumber
hyponym 110460806 - ceramicist, ceramist, potter, thrower
hyponym 110530769 - rigger
hyponym 110538272 - roofer
hyponym 110538629 - rope-maker, ropemaker, roper
hyponym 110653529 - steamfitter
hyponym 110690742 - tanner
hyponym 110693459 - animal_stuffer, stuffer, taxidermist
hyponym 110740482 - upholsterer
hyponym 110772190 - weaver
hyponym 110773665 - welder
hyponym 110783240 - window_dresser, window_trimmer
hyponym 110790192 - woodman, woodsman, woodworker
hyponym 110793570 - wright
instance hyponym 111192067 - Morris, William_Morris

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