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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109927451

Words: clergyman, man_of_the_cloth, reverend

Gloss: a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church

hypernym 109505153 - spiritual_leader
member holonym 108152787 - clergy
antonym 110250527 - layman, layperson, secular
hyponym 109763349 - acolyte
hyponym 109789668 - anagnost
hyponym 109804343 - archdeacon
hyponym 109908508 - chaplain
hyponym 109928136 - churchman, cleric, divine, ecclesiastic
hyponym 109983572 - curate, minister, minister_of_religion, parson, pastor, rector
hyponym 109994520 - deacon
hyponym 110025060 - domine, dominee, dominie, dominus
hyponym 110026763 - doorkeeper, ostiarius, ostiary
hyponym 110252354 - lector, reader
hyponym 110373390 - officiant
hyponym 110382302 - ordinand
hyponym 110382480 - ordinary
hyponym 110457597 - postulator
hyponym 110464178 - preacher, preacher_man, sermoniser, sermonizer
hyponym 110470779 - priest
hyponym 110588965 - shepherd
hyponym 110668024 - subdeacon
hyponym 110750188 - vicar
hyponym 110750365 - vicar
instance hyponym 110841065 - Beecher, Henry_Ward_Beecher
instance hyponym 110939856 - Donne, John_Donne
instance hyponym 111098707 - John_Keble, Keble
instance hyponym 111105054 - King, Martin_Luther_King, Martin_Luther_King_Jr.
instance hyponym 111381824 - John_Wesley, Wesley
instance hyponym 111381964 - Charles_Wesley, Wesley
instance hyponym 111389619 - Roger_Williams, Williams

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