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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109728403

Words: Russian

Gloss: a native or inhabitant of Russia

hypernym 109620794 - aboriginal, aborigine, indigen, indigene, native
member holonym 109007723 - Russia, Russian_Soviet_Federated_Socialist_Republic, Soviet_Russia
hyponym 109644332 - Tatar
hyponym 109644518 - Udmurt, Votyak
hyponym 109706255 - Komi
hyponym 109706396 - Cheremis, Cheremiss, Mari
hyponym 109706548 - Inger, Ingerman, Ingrian
hyponym 109706746 - Carelian, Karelian
hyponym 109706911 - Khanty, Ostyak
hyponym 109707400 - Mordva, Mordvin, Mordvinian
hyponym 109707587 - Nganasan
hyponym 109707735 - Ostyak-Samoyed, Selkup
hyponym 109707887 - Samoyed
hyponym 109707992 - Veps, Vepse, Vepsian
hyponym 109708118 - Mansi, Vogul
hyponym 109708247 - Yeniseian
hyponym 109728850 - Great_Russian
hyponym 109729062 - Muscovite
hyponym 109729156 - Georgian
hyponym 109731082 - Siberian
hyponym 109912907 - Chechen

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