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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109627906

Words: receiver, recipient

Gloss: a person who receives something

hypernym 109764201 - acquirer
derivationally related 202210119 - have, receive
derivationally related 202210119 - have, receive
hyponym 109769345 - addressee
hyponym 109783537 - alienee, grantee
hyponym 109795556 - annuitant
hyponym 109815455 - assignee
hyponym 109850121 - beneficiary, donee
hyponym 109867633 - borrower
hyponym 109954081 - conferee
hyponym 109958447 - consignee
hyponym 110004804 - dependant, dependent
hyponym 110143595 - grantee
hyponym 110168584 - heir, heritor, inheritor
hyponym 110183757 - honoree
hyponym 110187356 - host
hyponym 110289969 - mandatary, mandatory
hyponym 110409634 - payee
hyponym 110485989 - protege
hyponym 110578656 - sendee
hyponym 110724570 - transferee
hyponym 110768272 - warrantee

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